Did you know?
The average annual salary of a Software Developer is approximately 12-13 lakhs
Have you ever considered what other skills are important to land the position of a Software Developer apart from coding and programming?
Well, if you are planning on entering the e-commerce sphere as a Software Developer, make sure to check out a few e-commerce coding interview questions before reading this blog.
For the meantime, it is important to learn that a software developer needs more than regular programming knowledge to survive in the e-commerce/business economy.
This blog intends to highlight important soft skills that are important to develop for a Software Developer to inculcate before planning on applying for this position.

Why are Software Developer skills necessary?
Before heading straight to the main intent of the blog, we have a few words to shed light on why it is important to inculcate Software Development skills for running a business.
Though, besides brushing your software development skills, you should also brush up your dynamic programming skills which are equally important.
Here are a two important pointers on how you can improve your business using software development skills:
Build your business
By using laptops, android, iOS and other devices, you can build your business from scratch on a virtual scale and reach your target audience from across the globe.
Improve your services and sales
Need customer feedback? We'll check your online website and there it is! Software programs legitimately help in improving the quality of services and sales by connecting you to your customers at your fingertips.
With effect to that, let us move forward and check out a few perks and benefits that you can enjoy while working as a Software Developer.
Perks and benefits of landing a Software Developer's Position
From enjoying the benefits of working remotely to, on the other hand, getting ample travel opportunities, being a software developer is challenging and rewarding at the same time.
Have a look at the following perks and benefits that you can avail by working as a Software Developer:
Vast career opportunities
Becoming a software developer opens up many career opportunities. For example, you can choose to work as an independent contractor or work for a large company. This option allows you to choose the work environment and lifestyle that suits your needs.
High in demand in tech industry
As the world becomes more digital and online, the need for software developers is likely to increase. Software development is an attractive option if you are looking for a career with long-term prospects.
Working remotely
For job seekers, the ability to work from home is becoming increasingly important. Software developers can often work from home because almost all work is done on computers.
In addition to being able to work away from the office, many software developers have to travel as part of their job. Conferences are often an integral part of software development for which purpose you will receive ample opportunities to travel.
In order to enjoy these perks and benefits, you need to develop a few soft skills so that your company can fully optimize your expertise and experience.
Soft skills that are mandatory for a Software Developer
From brainstorming new and innovative ideas to understanding the work environment of the company, A software developer needs more than basic coding knowledge to survive in the industry.
Tech companies that have been in the business since the long run, recognise and appreciate the importance of an employee who can apply real time knowledge to their job.
Software development is an essential concept for performing data analysis. Data collected from recording everyday activities, when combined with other data, can provide a more accurate picture of the business.
For example, software development is a must for any company that does any type of data analysis.
You may think you are performing at your level best in the field of software development but that is only the half-truth if you have not inculcated these soft skills yet!