Each round in a tech giant’s interview holds equal importance! Though, you can’t deny the nervousness of clearing all the rounds.
Though, most companies conduct interviews in multiple rounds to make the screening process more strict and efficient. It is necessary for them to choose reliable employees for their job profiles.
One of the toughest and important rounds in any interview is the managerial round. Although this is generally the wrapping-up round of the interview it holds equal importance as other rounds.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to practice for this round as well.
To help you in that matter, we have listed some common managerial round interview questions so that you can get an idea of what to expect from the managerial round.
What is a managerial round?
As the name suggests, this round allows you to connect with the manager or multiple managers of the firm. After completing the earlier round of the interview including the HR round, coding round, or any other round, you will reach the managerial round.
The main objective of this round is to involve the manager in the hiring process and understand the candidate better because, in the end, you will be working with them only.
Other than this, in the managerial round, you get to know about the firm that you will work for, its culture, working style, and current and future partners and analyse your growth in the company.
After knowing what a managerial round is, there would be certain questions that may come to your mind. One of the most significant; what kind of questions an interviewer will ask or whether this round will contain technical questions or not.
Read on to get the answer to this question!
Does the managerial round have technical questions?
When it comes to managerial round interview questions, they generally revolve around checking your personality and ensuring that you are competent for the job or not.
Though a manager can ask you questions from different perspectives, there are very low chances that they will ask you any technical questions.
The managerial round interview questions focus majorly on understanding your expectations from the company, your previous work, and your personality.
Though, it will also depend upon the choice of interviewer as what kind of questions he want to ask?
Now if you are wondering about what type of questions are asked in a managerial interview, we’ve got you covered. We have covered some crucial questions that you will be asked.
Managerial Round Interview Questions
1. What are your weaknesses and strengths?
By asking this question, the interviewer attempts to understand your personality and analyse how well you know yourself. While answering this question, you will have to be a bit diplomatic to show the interviewer that you are working to improve your weaknesses.
2. Why should we hire you?
This question is asked by almost every interviewer and it somewhat makes the candidate a bit nervous. While answering this question, you need to be more confident and highlight your qualifications which fit well with the job post. Also, highlight your strengths where you will tell him of why you should be a worthy asset to the company.
3. What do you least enjoy in your last job?
This question is generally asked to understand how professional you are and what are your reasons for leaving the previous company. While answering this question, you need to be very positive and rather than blaming a particular person or authority, focus more on explaining a situation.
4. What motivates you the most?
It is often believed that motivated employees have good productivity and can work more passionately. This is why most employers ask this question to understand the one thing that keeps you motivated and passionate about the work.
5. What brings you to our firm?
Here, the very first thing that the employer wishes to know is why you have applied for that particular role. Other than that, he may attempt to know what you know about the company and what are your expectations. While answering this question, make sure to state valid reasons for applying to the post.
6. What is your salary expectation?
This is quite a tricky question and you may be asked this at the end of your interview. While answering this question, you can either move the focus on the position or you can mention a range of salary. However, if you are mentioning a range, make sure to have a valid reason behind it.
7. What else do you want to tell us about yourself?
This question is asked to wrap up the interview and to give you a chance to mention your additional qualifications, skills, accomplishments, or any other relevant information that you have not mentioned in previous questions. So, if you think that you were not able to bring out your best side, you can mention it here.
Now that you are preparing for an interview in the IT field, it is important to put more focus on technical and coding questions.
To help you get an understanding of what common coding questions you can be asked, we have come up with a list of TCS NQT coding questions.
Let’s check out the list below.
TCS NQT Coding Questions
How to determine the smallest number in the given array?
How can you reverse the given array?
Write a program to find the greatest to three numbers.
Write a program to find out the sum of the given GP series.
How to check if the given number is a palindrome or not?
Explain the bubble sort algorithm.
Write a program to reverse the given string.
How to concatenate one string to the other one?
Explain the merge sort algorithm.
Explain the quick sort algorithm.
How to convert a binary number to a decimal number?
Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
The managerial round is generally the last round that you will go through in an interview. Although the round generally focuses on understanding the personality of the candidate, it does have scope for technical questions.
Therefore, you need to have an idea of some basic questions as well. Therefore, make sure to check out all the managerial round interview questions that we have mentioned and prepare the answers as suggested to make a lasting impression on your employer.
Other than this, always ensure that you give only valid answers and make no bluff in the interview as it will have a negative impact on your employees.