Microsoft's programming and marketing outlay has created one of the greatest revolutions in history for the technological economy.
On an annual basis, Microsoft is solely responsible for drawing more than 2 million candidates on a placement drive basis. This suggests that the standards for the Microsoft online assessment are definitely off the charts.
If you also aspire to join one of the largest tech groups? Then read through the blog and take suggestive remarks to boost your preparation.
The online assessment patterns for all the tech corporations are more or less the same. Hence, from our experience we would suggest you to take as many online tests as possible.
Keep this in mind we have also discussed a few important questions from the Goldman Sachs online assessment in the blog.
What is the best strategy for Microsoft Online Assessment?
Nothing beats the idiom, "practice makes perfect" when it comes to preparing for online assessment tests for highly reputed organizations such as Microsoft.
The best strategic call for the candidates applying for on campus placements would be to consult the seniors and professional guidance counselor.
Refer to their advice and make sure to take the online practice tests for Microsoft weekly or as frequently as possible.
As we have previously mentioned, depending on the job profile that you will be opting for, the Microsoft online test assessment questions will certainly differ.
But, since we are here to talk in general terms so that all the candidates can feel inclusive, here are some of the general topics and sections that you will encounter in your Microsoft Online Assessment.
MCQ section
This round is basically conducted to screen the majority of the candidates who are not fit to move further ahead to the other rounds.
Within this round the candidates will have to answer 10 MCQs within a course of 30 minutes. The questions for the MCQs can be based on generic or computer science based questions.