Computer science and its concepts are all about designing hierarchical data structures in a well-defined and efficient manner. As a computer programmer, this is the area where your expertise will be tested the most.
This is what the binary tree structure is all about. When observed as a hierarchical structure you will find that the tree consists of nodes that are linked together.
After implementing the program of a Binary Tree you will observe that the data can be presented in an efficient and effective manner.
Though you may have heard about binary trees multiple times, today we will be giving a detailing of this topic in this blog.
What is a binary tree?
The structure of a Binary Tree can be defined as a hierarchical data structure where data is stored in nodes of the tree. The tree starts with a root or the ancestral node which expands into one or two children nodes.
The key feature of a binary tree is that you can trace back every single child node to their parent and ultimately to the last ancestral node of the tree.
This node is in other terms known as the root of the tree. This is the starting node that branches out into different formats which we will discuss further in this blog.
But, let us first discuss the properties of a binary tree.
Properties of a binary tree
Here are some of the key properties of a binary tree:
=> The root node of a Binary Tree is considered to be at a 0 level. This node is allowed to have two children nodes at maximum. Read Full Article...