Having exhaustive knowledge about arrays is critical for cracking any interview!
The array coding interview questions typically assess your technical knowledge and ability to analyze real-world problems. You can get a grasp on this concept by practicing.
However, just practicing isn't enough. In today's time, smart work beats hard work. In addition to practicing, you should make sure that you are solving the relevant questions, or you might end up wasting your precious time.
But don't worry, we've got you covered. Here are some of the array interview questions that will help you crack any interview.
You can expect similar kinds of apple interview questions and many other notable company’s questions.

Question 1 –
Given are an array arr and a target. Determine the solution to get the two numbers' indices such that they add up to the target.
How to solve this?
If (target-num) is present in the array, we must loop through all of its elements and return "lower index, higher index"; otherwise, we must push the value to arr[i] and the index I in the hashmap.
Question 2 –
Create a new array with the exception of the ith element being the sum of all the elements in the existing array.
How to solve this?
To start, go over the array starting at the first element and save the sum of all preceding elements for each i. Now go through the array from the back, storing the sum from the end and the product of every element that came after that.
Find the product of all the elements in the given array, with the exception of the one in the ith position, using these arrays now.
Question 3 –
Given two integers N and M, where N is the quantity of cakes and M is the number of friends seated in a circle in a clockwise direction. The aim is to determine how many cakes are still available after giving each friend one cake. If there are fewer cakes than needed, the distribution of cakes will halt.
How to solve this?
In the first step, find out how many distribution cycles of cakes are possible with m cakes.
Determine how many cakes are needed for one cycle, which is
sum = n * (n + 1) / 2
Now, by dividing M by the sum, we obtain the cycle count plus some leftovers.
Now determine how many additional cakes can be given to x pals.
By resolving the quadratic equation, the value of x can be easily obtained.
Question 4 –
A permutation of the numbers in the range [0, n - 1] is represented by the length n integer array arr that you are provided. We partition arr into a certain number of chunks and then individually sort each chunk. The result of concatenating them ought to be the sorted array.
Give the most chunks we can divide the array into for sorting.
How to solve this?
Every time a chunk is added to the array, all elements to the left become smaller (or equal) to all elements to the right. To achieve O(n) time complexity, store the left maximum and right minimum in two auxiliary arrays. The complexity of space is also O(n).
Question 5 –
An array of size N and an integer K are provided as arr[]. For each continuous K-element subarray, determine the least element, and then return the highest value among those minimum elements.
How to solve this?
Here, we must first create every possible subarray, then we must determine the smallest element in each subarray, and finally, we must determine the maximum element across all of them. Learn More....