How long does it take to send a message online? If we were to take a guess we would say that it does not even take a fraction of a second.
That is how in this fast paced world, we are heading towards a future with even faster modes of communication such as phone and messaging. But did you know that all of this is owed to Framing?
From networking to telecommunications, our daily lives would be rather difficult if we had not devised the concept of framing.
Framing basically connects two different frameworks so that the data or messages can be delivered in the form of bits.
The concept of framing in computer networking is certainly vast, but with accurate knowledge you can ace on this subject.
While we are at it, we have also tried to incorporate the concept of routing algorithms in computer networking.
What is framing?
Framing in the context of computer networking is used to define the relation or connection between two networking points which is protected by protocols and other concepts.
To explain this in layman's terms, framing is the process of forming a telecommunication network with two different interfaces where the information is shared in the form of bits.
The bits in a framing network are divided into two different parts i.e the header and the trailer part. There are certain forms of control frames that are known to contain absolutely no data.
Two different computers are connected to form an interface which are conjoined using a wire. This wire is further used for transferring data between the two interconnected devices using the bits.
The transmission of bits in another popular term is known as stream of bits. The data transmitted between the two connected devices occur in the form of point-to-point transmission.
Now that we have extensively discussed the types of frames, let us take a look at the components of a framing network:
Header: The header holds information for the address of the destination and information for the source.
Payload field: It consists of the messages that are to be delivered.
Flag: It holds directions for the starting and the end points of the frame.
Trailer: This holds the correction bits and error detection messages.
With that we have comprehensively discussed the definition and the components of a framing network at length.
Let us move along and take a look at the different types of frames that are used in a computer network.
What are the different types of frames?
In the context of frames in computer networking, there are two different types of frames that are mainly utilized.
Let us take a look at the different types of frames that are available:
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