Anyone would dream of working with a Tata company, right? Well, here is your opportunity in the form of iBegin TCS.
Let us dive into more details.
The Tata group of industries is one of India’s largest corporations and has been in the making since 1868, before India’s independence. The company is headquartered in Mumbai and employs around 935,000 people in all its industries.
TSC [Tata Consultancy Services] is a part of the Tata group. TCS is a global leader in the domain of business consultancy and IT services. It operates in around 46 countries across the globe and employs over 600,000 people.
What is TCS iBegin?
The iBegin platform, introduced by TCS, is a job portal for professionals looking to work with TCS. The portal was first introduced keeping in mind to hire applicants with a background in science, technology and engineering. But since then, more job titles have been available for professionals from different backgrounds.
But the portal has eligibility criteria. These criteria are for each job, the hiring process, what are the requirements and more.
Read on to know all about it.
Types of Job
Although TCS iBegin is mostly known for its IT and Technical services job, it provides jobs in a total of 8 distinct fields. They are as follows:
=> Quality assurance
=> Finance
=> IT infrastructure services
=> Technology
=> Business process services
=> Marketing and sales
=> Consultancy
=> Human resources
Eligibility Criteria
To be able to apply for jobs in iBegin, you need to pass through the following eligibility criteria:
=> Candidates need to have a minimum score of 60 percent in 10th, 12th, PG and/or UG.
=> Candidates must be a graduate in B. Tech., M. Tech., B.E. or M.E. in the following specializations: mechanical engineering, telecommunications, electrical engineering, instrumentation engineering, EEE, IT, network engineering or ECE.
=> Candidates having a postgraduate degree in MCA alongside a degree in B.Sc, B.Com, B.A., or BCA with a background in math or statistics are also eligible to apply.
=> Candidates who have an M.Sc degree with a background in IT or computer science can also apply.
=> Candidates must have a minimum work experience of 3 years in the relative job field they are applying for.
Skills required
Every job has some required skills for individuals to perform it efficiently and so does a job with TCS iBegin as follows: